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Deploy with Blueprint

If you have made any changes to the source code, commit those changes using git add . followed by git commit -m "your-commit-message" and then push those changes to your REMOTE branch on either GitHub or GitLab (This is a mandatory requirement).

If you have already pushed your changes (your data files) to the remote repository; now you can deploy your bot on Render in just a few clicks. We have provided a render app blueprint specification which makes the deployment process much easier. Just click on the button below and sign into your Render account.


If Missing Blueprint repository URL error occurs, you can connect your GitHub or GitLab repository to Render by clicking on Connect button on the Connect a repository section.

Deploy to Render

You will have to provide the necessary values for the environment variables at first (You can refer the following table for details about the environment variables), except for RENDER_APP_URL. Make sure to update that later. You can find environment variables section in the Environment tab of your web service for updating that.