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Testing on your Local Machine

NOTE: Following environment variables are used to configure the bot in PRODUCTION/LOCAL ENVIRONMENT.

  • TELEGRAM_TOKEN -> Telegram bot token.
  • DEV_CHAT_ID -> The chat id of the developer where the bot will send debug messages.
  • GROUP_CHAT_ID -> The chat id of your group.
  • SECRET_KEY -> The secret key for the file decryption process (You can find your key inside DATA directory).
  1. You can set these environment variables in your terminal using the following commands:

    export DEV_CHAT_ID=use_your_chat_id_here_obtained_from_idbot
    export TELEGRAM_TOKEN=use_your_telegram_token_obtained_from_botfather_earlier
    export SECRET_KEY=use_your_secret_key_here_obtained_from_encrypting_data
    export GROUP_CHAT_ID=use_your_group_chat_id_here_obtained_from_idbot

  2. Run the bot using the following command:

    On Linux:


    On Windows:


    On Linux using Poetry:

    poetry run python3

    Cool! Now you can start using your bot.
    Open the Telegram app and search for your bot and start a conversation with it. Send /help to your bot to see the list of commands. Test all other features and make sure everything is working as expected.

  3. Press Ctrl-C on the command line to stop the bot.